Monday, February 29, 2016

Arise and stay awake!

1. Awake, Arise and stop not till the goal is reached. -Swami Vivekananda
2. Once goal is reached, set an even higher goal.
3. Repeat 1 & 2.

TV Switched off

TV at home is switched off for a month now (for some other reason) and it has resulted in us avoiding prime time 'news' channels. Life has become so much more peaceful since then!
Recommend others to do so (for at least short term), to find well deserved peace of mind and 1 extra hour of family time instead smile emoticon
PS: Also hope that resultant dip in trp ratings persuade them to rethink about their strategy (hypocrisy).

How Ancient are we?

Need to recheck the sources. This is remarkable discovery if it lives up to its words..

Income and Tax

I am amazed that, in spite of so much money not being tracked because of business men not disclosing their incomes, transacting via cash which does not get reported to govt., we still are able to clock 7-7.5% YoY growth!
Imagine a situation if all the businesses are tracked and we have an account of incoming and outgoing currency at every level- from bottom to top? How much would we be growing at annually? Double digit growth would be very optimistic!
Can we find ways to make financial transactions securely cashless and traceable (however small it may be)? That should help us move one step ahead, towards solving the issue of black money and money laundering. Collectively, we will need to pay lesser taxes for better quality of life.
My call to all: If you see wrong doing, correct it at the root level or report it to authorities. IF they don't respond, we have our PMO India Shri Narendra Modi to take care of it. Ask him to take up he issue and discuss this in‪#‎MannkiBaat‬ and other forums.
We need a systemic change. Enough of shielding. Time for cleansing the society for these money leaching entities (Yes, these ppl may include you, your friends, acquaintances, family and relatives).