this is technically called as a Fullerene!
u guys know wat a Fullerene is right?? well, if u dont .. no big deal..
click on this link.. u'll know watever there is to know about a Fullerene
In Laymen terms... it is a spatial arrangement of CArbon Atoms...
there are two Fullerenes 'm aware of..
1> CArbon 60 -- Football
2> CArbon 70 -- Rugby Ball
yes! carbon 60 is nothing but a FOOTBALL!

so now, i guess u'll be able to see that carbon 60 thing is same as our futball... :)
k now.. i'll show u d model i made..
i colour coded it .. pentagons(5 sided figures) in yellow
and hexagons(6 sided figures) in some orange kind of colour...
1 thing which u wont be able to see is that on d top i've made a hole.. to acomadate a small bulb...

if u would switch it on, only the pentagons are highlighted!
i mean i'd used a thinner card board for pentagon and thick one for hexagon.. got it?
anyways for info,
football = 20 haxagons + 12 pentagons
all the sides of a pentagon are inturn attached to 5 other hexagons
and for a hexagons, alternative sides are attached to a hexagon and a pentagon...
if u wanna try it out nd need some help..
'm always a click away...
wish to here frm u ppl..
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