Monday, January 26, 2009
Sunday, January 25, 2009
26th January 2009
A proud moment for me , and the nation as a whole! India celebrates her 60th Republic day . 1950, on the very day, India declared complete sovereignty and it meant more to us than just getting independence, it meant we were governing ourselves, a President was elected and hence the marvelous journey of the worlds largest democracy started and every year on this day, we the proud citizens of the nation of a Billion and more, forget our differences, unite and hail our Nation and remember those, the fore fathers of the Country, who gave their yesterday for purpose of our today!
This day, we forget all the failures of democracy, we've witnessed thru our eyes and think not of the corrupt Politicians who trade their portfolio for exchange of Rupees.We forget about those leaders who could not stand up to expectations and shamefully came back after every 5 years to beg for vote and would never show up for the next 5! We forget the Great Political mistakes, foreign policy or the steps taken for eradication of illiteracy and poverty . We forget about all those good for nothing criminals who are waiting to get out of the bars thru a bail plea and are sketching to stand in the next election. We forget about the regional and religious bias and all the reasons behind it .We forget about many things which make us feel ashamed if it were not 26th of jan or 15th of aug and come together as one nation , one unit which does not repent on the past mistakes but celebrates the success in grandeur and solace .. parading the 3 fronts of defense, The Army , The Navy ,The Air Force . We leave no leaf unturned for us to feel proud about ourselves, our great nation!
But , India in the recent past has been under attack by foreign forces , and the matter of greater concern is the mode of attacking and more importantly the frequency of it!!
Our country, a Super Power in the making , is too much to bear for few of our neighboring countries, so they are apparently waging a proxy war on our country to divert the attention of the govt and reduce the growth rate of India.One can imagine the level of desperateness, by seeing the strikes on Bangalore ,Tata Institute and more recently , and more seriously , Mumbai, The Financial Capital
I came across news yesterday, that 2 Terrorists were killed in an encounter , near Noida . They were traveling towards New Delhi , and heavy ammunition like 2 Ak 47 , 1Kg of Rdx , Hand ful of grenades and detonators were recovered...I came to know that it was a joint operation of ATS and Noida Police .. 3Cheers to them!!!.... But , I cant stop to think that there is more to it than what meets the eye , were these 2 Terrorists a part of a bigger team ? were more than these 2 ppl traveling towards our Country's capital? is there a chance of an attack tom also?
I believe , thousands of police and army men like the NSG , etc are on standby and in full alert for any kind of mischief played by insane terrorists, having said this , we got to be pro active and not spare even a shadow of doubt and make sure that Country is not embarrassed at least on this day ! i say this with a great sense of insecurity to be frank , as it seems improbable to seal off all the loopholes we have created ourselves , and of course, i wont be over optimistic as we are a nation of enormous land mass! but still have faith in Country's defense to counter attack.
Traditionally, 26th has been a Favorite day for all the terrorists to vage an attack , and this 26th we have to extra bit care ful to make sure that we dont have to look down upon ourselves atleast today, the day we celebrate our Democracy!!
Wishing you a Great Republic Day ,
Hoping to see a better Future
Varun Deshpande
This day, we forget all the failures of democracy, we've witnessed thru our eyes and think not of the corrupt Politicians who trade their portfolio for exchange of Rupees.We forget about those leaders who could not stand up to expectations and shamefully came back after every 5 years to beg for vote and would never show up for the next 5! We forget the Great Political mistakes, foreign policy or the steps taken for eradication of illiteracy and poverty . We forget about all those good for nothing criminals who are waiting to get out of the bars thru a bail plea and are sketching to stand in the next election. We forget about the regional and religious bias and all the reasons behind it .We forget about many things which make us feel ashamed if it were not 26th of jan or 15th of aug and come together as one nation , one unit which does not repent on the past mistakes but celebrates the success in grandeur and solace .. parading the 3 fronts of defense, The Army , The Navy ,The Air Force . We leave no leaf unturned for us to feel proud about ourselves, our great nation!
But , India in the recent past has been under attack by foreign forces , and the matter of greater concern is the mode of attacking and more importantly the frequency of it!!
Our country, a Super Power in the making , is too much to bear for few of our neighboring countries, so they are apparently waging a proxy war on our country to divert the attention of the govt and reduce the growth rate of India.One can imagine the level of desperateness, by seeing the strikes on Bangalore ,Tata Institute and more recently , and more seriously , Mumbai, The Financial Capital
I came across news yesterday, that 2 Terrorists were killed in an encounter , near Noida . They were traveling towards New Delhi , and heavy ammunition like 2 Ak 47 , 1Kg of Rdx , Hand ful of grenades and detonators were recovered...I came to know that it was a joint operation of ATS and Noida Police .. 3Cheers to them!!!.... But , I cant stop to think that there is more to it than what meets the eye , were these 2 Terrorists a part of a bigger team ? were more than these 2 ppl traveling towards our Country's capital? is there a chance of an attack tom also?
I believe , thousands of police and army men like the NSG , etc are on standby and in full alert for any kind of mischief played by insane terrorists, having said this , we got to be pro active and not spare even a shadow of doubt and make sure that Country is not embarrassed at least on this day ! i say this with a great sense of insecurity to be frank , as it seems improbable to seal off all the loopholes we have created ourselves , and of course, i wont be over optimistic as we are a nation of enormous land mass! but still have faith in Country's defense to counter attack.
Traditionally, 26th has been a Favorite day for all the terrorists to vage an attack , and this 26th we have to extra bit care ful to make sure that we dont have to look down upon ourselves atleast today, the day we celebrate our Democracy!!
Wishing you a Great Republic Day ,
Hoping to see a better Future
Varun Deshpande
Gospel Of Strength - The Omnipotent Soul!
As soon as you say,"I'm a little mortal being," you are saying something which is not true you are giving the lie to yourselves,you are hypnotising yourselves into something vile and weak and wretched.
The Greatest sin is to think yourself weak.
To call another a sinner is the worst thing you can do.
Come up ,O Lions, and shake off the delusion that you are sheep;you are souls immortal,spirits free, blest and eternal;you are not matter,you are not bodies;matter is your servant ,not you the servant of matter.
"Children of immortal bliss" -- what a sweet, what a hopeful name! Allow me to call you brethren, by that sweet name -- heirs of immortal bliss... You are the children of God, the sharers of immortal bliss ,holy and perfect beings.You divinities on earth -- sinners! It is a sin to call a man so;It is standing libel on Human Nature.
The more I live, the more I become convinced everyday that every human being is divine.In no man or woman , however vile, does that divinity die.
Say not man is a sinner.Tell him that he is a God.
Silly fools tell you that you are sinners, and you sit down in a corner and weep.It is foolishness,wickedness,down-right rascality to say that you are sinners!You are all God.
The greatest error,says the Vedanta, is to say that you are weak, that you are a sinner, a miserable creature, and that you have no power and you cannot do this and that.Everytime you think in that way, you as it were, rivet one more link in the chain that binds you down,you add one more layer of hypnoticism into your own soul.Therefore , whosoever thinks he is weak is wrong,whosoever thinks he is impure is wrong, and is throwing a bad thought into the world.
If you , my sons, can proclaim this message to the world - "klaibhyam maa sma gamah partha . Nai tat tvam upapadyate " (Yield not to unmanliness, O son of Pritha(Arjuna);it does not befit thee) -- then all this disease ,grief, sin and sorrow will vanish off from the face of the earth in three days.
--Swami Vivekananda
The Greatest sin is to think yourself weak.
To call another a sinner is the worst thing you can do.
Come up ,O Lions, and shake off the delusion that you are sheep;you are souls immortal,spirits free, blest and eternal;you are not matter,you are not bodies;matter is your servant ,not you the servant of matter.
"Children of immortal bliss" -- what a sweet, what a hopeful name! Allow me to call you brethren, by that sweet name -- heirs of immortal bliss... You are the children of God, the sharers of immortal bliss ,holy and perfect beings.You divinities on earth -- sinners! It is a sin to call a man so;It is standing libel on Human Nature.
The more I live, the more I become convinced everyday that every human being is divine.In no man or woman , however vile, does that divinity die.
Say not man is a sinner.Tell him that he is a God.
Silly fools tell you that you are sinners, and you sit down in a corner and weep.It is foolishness,wickedness,down-right rascality to say that you are sinners!You are all God.
The greatest error,says the Vedanta, is to say that you are weak, that you are a sinner, a miserable creature, and that you have no power and you cannot do this and that.Everytime you think in that way, you as it were, rivet one more link in the chain that binds you down,you add one more layer of hypnoticism into your own soul.Therefore , whosoever thinks he is weak is wrong,whosoever thinks he is impure is wrong, and is throwing a bad thought into the world.
If you , my sons, can proclaim this message to the world - "klaibhyam maa sma gamah partha . Nai tat tvam upapadyate " (Yield not to unmanliness, O son of Pritha(Arjuna);it does not befit thee) -- then all this disease ,grief, sin and sorrow will vanish off from the face of the earth in three days.
--Swami Vivekananda
Gospel Of Strength - Stop Becoming Weak !
Strength ,strength,it is what we want so much in life, for what we call sin and sorrow have all one cause, and that is our weakness.With Weakness comes ignorance,and with ignorance come misery.
Never think there is anything impossible for the soul.It is the greatest heresy to think so.If there is sin, this is the only sin-to say that you are weak.
All weakness , all bondage is imagination... Do not Weaken!.. Stand up and be strong! That is all the religion I know.
This is the great fact:strength is life,weakness is death.Strength is felicity,life eternal,immortal;weakness is constant strain and misery;weakness is death.
What we want is strength , so believe in yourselves...Make your nerves strong.What we want is muscles of iron and nerves of steel.We have wept long enough.No more weeping, but stand on your own feet and be Men.
-- Swami Vivekananda
Never think there is anything impossible for the soul.It is the greatest heresy to think so.If there is sin, this is the only sin-to say that you are weak.
All weakness , all bondage is imagination... Do not Weaken!.. Stand up and be strong! That is all the religion I know.
This is the great fact:strength is life,weakness is death.Strength is felicity,life eternal,immortal;weakness is constant strain and misery;weakness is death.
What we want is strength , so believe in yourselves...Make your nerves strong.What we want is muscles of iron and nerves of steel.We have wept long enough.No more weeping, but stand on your own feet and be Men.
-- Swami Vivekananda
Gospel Of Strength!
for next few entrys, i'll try to spread the message of Swami Vivekananda , the quotes taken straight from his works.... under the banner of Gospel Of Strength!
Thursday, January 15, 2009
One of the Strongest Feelings...
Attachment to something/someone is a feeling which is not paralleled by any other feeling which 1 can possibly get. No matter how much we try to escape from it, once into the loop of bondage, it is really difficult to come out of it.
'm finding it out almost every day now.... Bondage was one thing, i tot i shud avoid at all times, cos it leads to weakness on the long run.. and i din want to be weak, i wanted to be strong, so strong that i'd be like a water droplet on lotus leaf which is in contact with water, shines on it , but, is never attached to the leaf . what a life the water droplet leads, sometimes i envy that!
but inherantly, bondage has certain qualities, such as "MAYA" which makes it desireble , this fact we all shall accept without any room for a countering ...
we've seen from time ,immemorial tat MAYA , has disrupted even that penance of the greatest of the sages!! this is a very disturbing thing to kno , if u ask me... cos for a start, i'm trying to free myself frm bondage, as much as possible , at as small steps as possible.. but every day , its getting tougher and tougher..and i sometimes begin to doubt wheather is it not wrong to not have bondage?but i try to remind myself that, this doubt is nothing other than the MAYA !!
But, my friends.. with due respect to Bondfree life, i think we need to analyse wheather attachment or at outset, a genuine concern to a particular entity/person is called for or should be rejected ! should we weigh each situation we face in d same category? shud we use the same prejudice for all the stuff ?
for illustration , lets take an example .... If i'm very attached to a particular msg in my inbox , and by mistake i delete it... for atleast 2 days, i wont feel alrite and with false hope scan inbox twise each time wheather the msg has re appeared or not! lol
is this called for? ideally no!!
suppose, somebody abuses someone close to u, it could be anyone, ur friend relative anyone... u'll not able to bear the fact that someone jus spoke low of the person u love, u respect..... u feel like slapping that person, if not that u'll do as much as is diplomaticaly possible to protest !
is this right? ofcourse, would be majority's answer.. while a minority maintains to say that it woudnt matter much as it would not actually mean that ur loved one's are watever that the layman has jus spoken ... so even if u r close to a person, u shud not be shaken by someone criticising him... but the immediate counter will be , wat if the criticism is not called for and is intentional? then, the speakers will be short of answers... rite?
so, we gt to agree that sometimes, we gt to analyse wat is the situation and then think of the level of bondage we gt to display.... i guess!
next, we shall take a more serious situation.... wat if u go to a foreign country, a layman there is burning ur country's flag!
my god!! i cant imagine wat i'd have done....
what is this but a prime, very strong sence of Bondage !! and one which all appreciate ! one all shud have!
so , bondage is actually not a word which has same meaning in every case whr we interpret it...
it is only upto the prejudice of the person, as to the attachment is neccessary or could it be avoided.....
it is upto the subject and wat he stands to think at that moment and purely his decision.
'm finding it out almost every day now.... Bondage was one thing, i tot i shud avoid at all times, cos it leads to weakness on the long run.. and i din want to be weak, i wanted to be strong, so strong that i'd be like a water droplet on lotus leaf which is in contact with water, shines on it , but, is never attached to the leaf . what a life the water droplet leads, sometimes i envy that!
but inherantly, bondage has certain qualities, such as "MAYA" which makes it desireble , this fact we all shall accept without any room for a countering ...
we've seen from time ,immemorial tat MAYA , has disrupted even that penance of the greatest of the sages!! this is a very disturbing thing to kno , if u ask me... cos for a start, i'm trying to free myself frm bondage, as much as possible , at as small steps as possible.. but every day , its getting tougher and tougher..and i sometimes begin to doubt wheather is it not wrong to not have bondage?but i try to remind myself that, this doubt is nothing other than the MAYA !!
But, my friends.. with due respect to Bondfree life, i think we need to analyse wheather attachment or at outset, a genuine concern to a particular entity/person is called for or should be rejected ! should we weigh each situation we face in d same category? shud we use the same prejudice for all the stuff ?
for illustration , lets take an example .... If i'm very attached to a particular msg in my inbox , and by mistake i delete it... for atleast 2 days, i wont feel alrite and with false hope scan inbox twise each time wheather the msg has re appeared or not! lol
is this called for? ideally no!!
suppose, somebody abuses someone close to u, it could be anyone, ur friend relative anyone... u'll not able to bear the fact that someone jus spoke low of the person u love, u respect..... u feel like slapping that person, if not that u'll do as much as is diplomaticaly possible to protest !
is this right? ofcourse, would be majority's answer.. while a minority maintains to say that it woudnt matter much as it would not actually mean that ur loved one's are watever that the layman has jus spoken ... so even if u r close to a person, u shud not be shaken by someone criticising him... but the immediate counter will be , wat if the criticism is not called for and is intentional? then, the speakers will be short of answers... rite?
so, we gt to agree that sometimes, we gt to analyse wat is the situation and then think of the level of bondage we gt to display.... i guess!
next, we shall take a more serious situation.... wat if u go to a foreign country, a layman there is burning ur country's flag!
my god!! i cant imagine wat i'd have done....
what is this but a prime, very strong sence of Bondage !! and one which all appreciate ! one all shud have!
so , bondage is actually not a word which has same meaning in every case whr we interpret it...
it is only upto the prejudice of the person, as to the attachment is neccessary or could it be avoided.....
it is upto the subject and wat he stands to think at that moment and purely his decision.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Thank God
its always a heart warming sight, to see a sachin or a pankaj or anyone for tat matter , when they perform well,or may be reached a milesstone, they raise their head with all the gratitude there is, with all the humbleness, they bow down to almighty god, and thank him for helping himself to achive wat he has on tat day, thru hard work and struggling.
we have seen dramatic scenes of mhmd yusuf doing namaz in d middle of the ground aftr scoring 10 centuries in a calender year, or the politicians performing religious rituals just after they won an election or gt out of a froud case :P
its but normal , to do these kind of stuff... nt only for celebreties bt any one, for me and for u .
the reason y 'm stressing on the topic is that , God when he gives us success, we thank him, we thank him a lot ... while when we r in misery, there are hardly evidences of the same!
God gives us success nd failure, we gt take both the same ... dont we, else isnt it not disrespecting the judgement of almighty ?
the saying "success nd failure are the 2 faces of the same coin" shoudnt just be kept in the book, they shud be adopted in life and cherished...
my point is, wheather dhoni scores a century, or dravid scores a duck, they both shud take it in the same manner, learn frm it and get along their buisness..
the motive shud be jus work and not wat u get out of it!
but easier said than done
we have seen dramatic scenes of mhmd yusuf doing namaz in d middle of the ground aftr scoring 10 centuries in a calender year, or the politicians performing religious rituals just after they won an election or gt out of a froud case :P
its but normal , to do these kind of stuff... nt only for celebreties bt any one, for me and for u .
the reason y 'm stressing on the topic is that , God when he gives us success, we thank him, we thank him a lot ... while when we r in misery, there are hardly evidences of the same!
God gives us success nd failure, we gt take both the same ... dont we, else isnt it not disrespecting the judgement of almighty ?
the saying "success nd failure are the 2 faces of the same coin" shoudnt just be kept in the book, they shud be adopted in life and cherished...
my point is, wheather dhoni scores a century, or dravid scores a duck, they both shud take it in the same manner, learn frm it and get along their buisness..
the motive shud be jus work and not wat u get out of it!
but easier said than done
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Happy Bday Appa!! :)
Today, my father's 50th bday!! have taken a day off frm d proj work ...
tot i shid do something spl to gift my appa, who has been my back bone for who i'm and certainly wat i wud be..
i was kind of saturated wit chak stuff for time being, more so wanted to revert back to paper art!
so tot of doing an origamy
but wait, wats d NEW part of it?
wats different frm d previous stuff?
orgamy workswhich i'm used to is with accurate measurements, geometry n trignometry stuff,and more over needs a lot of glue to stick .
hw abt doing a model, as good as the others but , with no scale or glue!
tat wud be a good challege , i felt .. and a nice way to gift me appa. :)
so , now i'd to choose a poly hedron to start , i choose Do Deca Hedron , i somehow 'm attached to this model ya! its simple yet dignified and complex in its own way!

i cut a lot of eqilateral triangles in a reasonably thin sheet(compared to card board)
and made a basic unit for construction(with a pair of triangle : 1 folded over other) which wud look like a projections of the 3 medians of the triangles with a socket for putting another such piece .
so now , its just matter of getting the triangles done and then making them into the basic piece and assembling them into the model one after other keeping in mind the geometry of model....
finally this is how it looks :)
its more simple than it seems ...... unlike few other models :D
Basically , Eqilateral Triangles are the basic building blocks of the model.
But takes a lot of patient effort to do this, and ofcourse..... LOVE

PS : i used no glue, no pencil, no instruments except scissors for it...
this is not the first time 'm trying it, but yea, its fun to do such things... :)
tot i shid do something spl to gift my appa, who has been my back bone for who i'm and certainly wat i wud be..
i was kind of saturated wit chak stuff for time being, more so wanted to revert back to paper art!
so tot of doing an origamy
but wait, wats d NEW part of it?
wats different frm d previous stuff?
orgamy workswhich i'm used to is with accurate measurements, geometry n trignometry stuff,and more over needs a lot of glue to stick .
hw abt doing a model, as good as the others but , with no scale or glue!
tat wud be a good challege , i felt .. and a nice way to gift me appa. :)
so , now i'd to choose a poly hedron to start , i choose Do Deca Hedron , i somehow 'm attached to this model ya! its simple yet dignified and complex in its own way!

i cut a lot of eqilateral triangles in a reasonably thin sheet(compared to card board)
and made a basic unit for construction(with a pair of triangle : 1 folded over other) which wud look like a projections of the 3 medians of the triangles with a socket for putting another such piece .
so now , its just matter of getting the triangles done and then making them into the basic piece and assembling them into the model one after other keeping in mind the geometry of model....
finally this is how it looks :)

PS : i used no glue, no pencil, no instruments except scissors for it...
this is not the first time 'm trying it, but yea, its fun to do such things... :)
Friday, January 2, 2009
a Voice to SAve The Cow
Save the Cow- A Practical Soln
This is the PPT i prepared on a Practical Solution which could stop Slaughtering the COWS.
Seems Like the PPT Pages got Truncated in SCRIBD(while uploading)... its k , no big deal, if u wanna read d complete version of it , jus leave ur email id on d comment , and i'll mail u the PPT within Hours!!
Pls do read this and circulate the PPT, cos it deals with a very imp and a sensitive issue.
Thank u
This is the PPT i prepared on a Practical Solution which could stop Slaughtering the COWS.
Seems Like the PPT Pages got Truncated in SCRIBD(while uploading)... its k , no big deal, if u wanna read d complete version of it , jus leave ur email id on d comment , and i'll mail u the PPT within Hours!!
Pls do read this and circulate the PPT, cos it deals with a very imp and a sensitive issue.
Thank u
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at first when i saw d movie while all d hype was surrounding it, tot it has a worth while story to tell, so i began to watch, i was happy tat i gt a GOOD print to watch(b4 i watch d movie, i chk for d print :D ) then as the movie progressed , the movie goes on portraying , few may say deliberately ! abt the stuff a slum guy in mumbai faces.... frm his mom being hit by an angry mob driven by religious bias ... to children being driven in2 begging and prostitute hood....
i began to wonder wat effect it mite have on a young kid frm mumbai who mite watch this movie ... at first i couldn form a firm anti opinion abt it, prob cos i was over whelmed by the recognition it gt...but after sometime, be began to analyse what it means for the nation, i've had 2nd tots.
for a person like me , i'd anytime rate Legend Of Bhagat Singh or more rescently A Wednesday more than this movie , as i somehow feel it will make us more harm than good!
i can relate this slumdog story with "Blood Diamond" whr though the theme of the story is diff , it is similar in away that it portrays poverty and wat the directors think as seemingly hopeless situations , there it illegal diamond trade at cost of civilian lives.. here, not so severe but jus a hopeless catch 22 situation wit currupt police politics and society's image of slums... but it is dangerous to spread this view to the world abt this, i say thus as a patriot and not as a cinematic person .
and the director , speaking to a news channel when asked if he had shown the worst situations like a singing beggar's eyes being taken off by a quack or abt the shit holes deleberately to demean slums, he said tat he wanted to portray abt the extremes of this gr8 city, mumbai... to be frank, i was nt very much satisfied by his answer , as i couldn see any 2nd extreme in the film, i may be wrong though.. the film wanted to showcase mumbai as a slumcity , which though i cant deny at this movement, cant bear to think that this wil do us more harm than good! :(
with all due respect to film makers of Blood Diamond and Slumdog , both are extreamly good films cinematicaly ... one has bagged gold in some category, and other on its way, jus waiting for the day... but the ppl of that region, in heart would probably not be very comfortable to see it...
it is the American's (Oscar givin ppl ) who'll enjoy and film,but the regional ppl who shud/will feel the pain frm inside..