tot i shid do something spl to gift my appa, who has been my back bone for who i'm and certainly wat i wud be..
i was kind of saturated wit chak stuff for time being, more so wanted to revert back to paper art!
so tot of doing an origamy
but wait, wats d NEW part of it?
wats different frm d previous stuff?
orgamy workswhich i'm used to is with accurate measurements, geometry n trignometry stuff,and more over needs a lot of glue to stick .
hw abt doing a model, as good as the others but , with no scale or glue!
tat wud be a good challege , i felt .. and a nice way to gift me appa. :)
so , now i'd to choose a poly hedron to start , i choose Do Deca Hedron , i somehow 'm attached to this model ya! its simple yet dignified and complex in its own way!

i cut a lot of eqilateral triangles in a reasonably thin sheet(compared to card board)
and made a basic unit for construction(with a pair of triangle : 1 folded over other) which wud look like a projections of the 3 medians of the triangles with a socket for putting another such piece .
so now , its just matter of getting the triangles done and then making them into the basic piece and assembling them into the model one after other keeping in mind the geometry of model....
finally this is how it looks :)

PS : i used no glue, no pencil, no instruments except scissors for it...
this is not the first time 'm trying it, but yea, its fun to do such things... :)
wow! nice piece!
thanku thanku :)
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