an event occurred in nov last year in mumbai which left d entier world stunned and take notice of it helplessly and with shock! the city was attacked !!
and who were blamed for it??the politicians!!! and the " Chalta hai ! " attitude of public as a whole.....we saw the sacking of major leaders of the mumbai legislature as well as in d center .
as i remember thr was a huge rally on dec 3rd ,exactly 1 week aftr the unfortunate incident, a show of strength, a show of solidarity..... i had in myself the greatest hope tat this wud change the very system and the way the politicians see the citizens of india and may it force them to find a betr way of governing!!
i saw interesting placards being used it those rallies... like these i ve put up here....
there was anothr rally in mumbai, whr thousands of ppl gathred to hold hand in hand and cover the entier city with a human chain.....
for me these were the signs of hope, signs of a nation which knos that it is not ready to be governed by some dummies, it wants to select n elect their leaders and the leaders are accountable.....
but tdy, 30th of april 2009 , my heart is filled with deep sadness and a strange feeling of helplessness anger and hatred! for those very ppl who came out of their home tat day who wantd a change in india, dint turn up to vote tdy!!!
the news reports say the voter attendance has dipped from previous polls of 2k4 and is hardly 50 % this time.
Shame on u mumbaikars shame on u !!!
u only talk bt whn it come to doing , u've failed urself, u have failed the nation and u ve faild all those ppl who died on nov last year , u failed the martrys major sandeep and the others, u faild the brave constable who even aftr his duty hours, took the bullets of the ak 47 of kasab and helpd his fellow policeman to capture him.......
my dear mumbaikar , u ve faild me!!!
whom shud we blame??? there is no use blaming anyone. the adults are suppose to vote and if they only miss the right track. then how can u expect their children to be on right track??? u get a day off so that you will go and vote when such irresponsible people are there in our country (so called Indians) then its of no use. Blame Indira Gandhi and other so called good leaders they make senseless rules when it comes to reservations, cant they make some rules when it comes to choosing our leaders??? till they make strict rules i guess this will continue and no use lamenting on this issue, till all the adults gain their lost senses....
i feel voting shud be cumpulsary !!
nt jus a rite a duty!!
if u ask me whom to blame? we have ourself to blame for it...
the mumbaikar living in d slum, d mumbaikar standing on inter city train, d mumbaikar is to be blamed, nt jus old nt just youth... all r equally responsible.....
Frankly.. i feel people still havent learnt from their mistakes.. A huge slap in the face [the bomb blasts] couldnt make them realise the importance of voting!!.. then what will ?? people need to stop treating voting day as a holiday!!
if tragic death of 200 odd ppl cant wake these living dead ppl... i dono wat wil...!!
i myself din't vote this time,but u know why.i can never get the idea of whom should i vote.i do agree i am a prity mature but i never get the concept of politics, democracy.i feel people who take stand in pollitics are actually the one who just want to be called leaders,not the government..
i strongly feel nothing is going to change whether u vote or not.the changes can be expected only when u try to be good citizen..doing something for country ,for citizens doesn't mean only voting there are other many good way to contribute to the country...
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