Friday, January 2, 2009

a Voice to SAve The Cow

Save the Cow- A Practical Soln

This is the PPT i prepared on a Practical Solution which could stop Slaughtering the COWS.

Seems Like the PPT Pages got Truncated in SCRIBD(while uploading)... its k , no big deal, if u wanna read d complete version of it , jus leave ur email id on d comment , and i'll mail u the PPT within Hours!!

Pls do read this and circulate the PPT, cos it deals with a very imp and a sensitive issue.

Thank u


JP said...


Excellent initiative regarding cows.

I am with you and really admire your thoughts.

Please mail me the .ppt file to me.

Prashant Jalasutram

Varun M Deshpande said...


thank u for expressing ur view on d small but necessary step in avenging justice to our Mother Cow....

I'll be mailing u the ppt right away, do pass it on..
